Are You Interested in Becoming a Community Partner?
WHO WE ARE: Paint Palestine Pink is a local non-profit organization that was initially dedicated to providing diagnostics to help in the fight against breast cancer. We have since been able to expand our services to provide grants for diagnostics and treatment in the fight against ALL Cancers.
WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES: Our foundation has been providing funding for diagnostic tests since 2010. All funds stay local and we provide services to the men and women of Anderson and surrounding counties. We contract with local facilities and physicians as much as possible but will look outside of the county to help our residents. We have no CEO’s or executives drawing salaries. We are organized by volunteers
Below are our sponsorship opportunities for our Annual walk/run scheduled for Saturday, October 5th, 2024. This event will put your company name in front of more than 400 participants, spectators, and vendors. We are always in need of volunteers. If you can’t do either, we need STUFF. Participants enjoy the SWAG. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact us at paintpalestinepink1016@gmail.com or (903) 681-2080
Runner/Walker Expo
This will be our 7th year for our runner/walker expo! The Expo is planned to take place after the event and is designed to display and promote the businesses that make our event possible. This expo will allow you to advertise your business to the 400+ participants, volunteers, and spectators that this event draws. Booths for this event are free. However, we do ask that you provide a gift of some sort for the participants of the event. This can be at your discretion but does not include water or fruit, these items are provided at rest stops. It just allows you to put an item in a potential customer's hand with your name on it. If you have any additional questions or would like to reserve your space, please contact:
Justin Harris Cell: (903) 922-9927 Email: jharris4316@yahoo.com
Possible gift ideas: pens, notepads, water bottles (not bottles of water),coupons, snacks, drinks, or products specific to your business.
Adopt a Mile
There is no charge for this level of sponsorship. You will be assigned one mile of our total 15 mile event. This will give your business or organization the opportunity to advertise, advocate, and encourage for a full mile. Examples would be funny signage, inspirational signage, photo opportunity, water stations, cheer groups. We can/will provide further ideas or information if you choose to support our participants at this level.
Diamond Level $5000
Name/logo on back of participant shirt, in largest font
Your business featured monthly on our Facebook page for 12 months, you provide specific material
Unlimited postings to any of our social media outlets at your request
Registrations fees waived for up to 5 participants in any race
Your logo posted to our registration page
A display for the interior of your business
Multiple banners and signs with your name/logo displayed in multiple locations on event day
A banner to display in front of your business
Your Name/Logo Printed on a premium swag item provided to each participant
Platinum Level $1500
Name/logo on back of participant shirt, in large font
Your business featured on our Facebook page for 12 months, you provide specific material
Registration fees waived for up to 3 participants in any race
Your logo posted to our registration page
A banner and signs with your name/logo displayed in multiple locations on event day
A banner to display in front of your business
A display for the interior of your business
Your name/logo printed on swag item provided to each participant
Gold Level $1000
Name/logo on back of participant shirt, positioned just below Platinum Sponsor
Your business featured monthly on our Facebook page for 6 months, you provide specific material
Registration fees waived for up to 2 participants in any race
Signs with your name/logo displayed in multiple locations on event day
Silver Level $750
Name/logo on back of participant shirt, positioned just below Gold Sponsors
Your business featured on our facebook page for two months
Registration fees waived for one participant in any race
A sign with your name/logo displayed at the event
Bronze Level $500
Name/logo on back of participant shirt, position just below Silver Sponsors
Your business featured on our facebook page
A sign with your name/logo displayed at the event
T-Shirt Sponsorship--$100
Prints your company/individual name on the back of the participant's T-shirts
Port-a-John Sponsorship-- $0 (materials only)
This sponsorship allows a company/individual to decorate a designated port-a-jon in any fashion and will be judged and promoted on social media, website and newspaper.
Rest Stop Sponsor
This sponsorship allows your group/organization to provide hydration and nourishment to the participants along our routes. Rest stop sponsors should provide chairs, water in small bottles or cups, granola bars, bananas, string cheese etc. Show your support and encouragement with signs and banners. You may request a specific site or we can assign one to you.
If you are interested in being a sponsor of the annual Paint Palestine Pink walk/run scheduled for Saturday, October 5th 2024 please fill out the section below and make your check payable to:
Paint Palestine Pink, P.O. Box 74 Palestine, TX 75802.
Company/Individual Name: ________________________________________
Sponsorship Level: _______________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________
Requested Swag Item (platinum sponsors) _____________________________
Logos or questions can be emailed to tlk0225@aol.com
**Sponsorships received after September 2nd may not be included on the shirt.
Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________